Large size 20" tall Made of resin mixture and then a faux cold cast bronze finish. Hand painted Details This statue is truly a work of art and will bring blessings to any church or chapel.
Veronese Collection
Feast Day – October 4 Francis and the wolf: St Francis was staying at Gubbio, the saint learned of a large and fierce wolf that was eating animals and even human beings. People lived in such fear of the creature that they carried weapons with them everywhere they went. St Francis determined to go find the wolf, and a few of the bravest townsmen went with him. St Francis did find the wolf, for it bared its teeth upon seeing him and charged. St Francis was unmoved, making the sign of the cross in the direction of the closing wolf. The wolf closed his mouth and slowed, creeping up meekly to St Francis. The Saint commanded the wolf never to hurt anyone again, and then made a bargain with the wolf that the people of the town would bring it food if it would not attack them. The wolf remained docile, following St Francis back to town where he explained the bargain he had made with the wolf, which the towns-people kept.
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